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New Media teleconferences

Version 1.0

This page offers information on selected teleconferences offered by the University of Maine's New Media program.

Decorative graphicBots, Ballots, and You

Town Hall on AI and the Future of Democracy

10 May 2024

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Topics discussed

New Media professor Jon Ippolito leads a workshop for the 2024 Maine Town Meeting with Michael Socolow on the impact AI could have on future elections.

Five ways AI threatens elections

Proposed solutions and their failure points

The problem with AI jargon

Appropriate uses of AI

AI's use of citizen data

How deepfakes are generated

Christiane PaulDigital Curation in the Shadow of AI

Public webinar

16 April 2024

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Topics discussed

This presentation features digital trailblazer and Whitney Curator of Digital Art Christiane Paul on how artists explore the boundaries and blindspots of artificial intelligence.

Definition and history of AI art

Harold Cohen and the birth of AI art

Other landmarks in history of AI art

Audience questions about AI aesthetics, sustainability, and preservation

presentation by john bellAI's Impact on 3d Games and Virtual Environments

Guest presentation

15 November 2023

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Topics discussed

Dartmouth XR guru and New Media alumnus John Bell explains how generative AI is revolutionizing immersive media, from animation to games to augmented and virtual reality. This talk includes cutting-edge demos that reveal the technical possibilities and ethical risks of these transformed 3d applications.

The vocabulary of immersive media

XR in teaching and research

Generative AI and related terms

Democratizing character design

Democratizing character animation

Democratizing environment creation

Unprecedented 3d applications possible with AI

Live demo of AI-generated 3d models

presentation by eryk salvaggioQ&A on AI-Generated Media

Guest presentation

1 November 2023

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Topics discussed

In this question-and-answer session with AI artist and critic Eryk Salvaggio, New Media students seek up-to-date answers on pressing aesthetic, legal, and technological issues regarding AI-generated media.

Precursors to today's image generators

Diffusion models

Malicious uses of AI

Recent and future AI progress

AI plagiarism and profit

23zoom Nmd Webinar Ai Images Twitter XvgaHarnessing AI for Education: When Is It Appropriate?

Public webinar

31 August 2023

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Topics discussed

This presentation from UMaine AI features New Media professor Jon Ippolito and Husson professor and IEEE chair Julia Upton.

What are appropriate uses of AI in the classroom?

Can generative AI be creative?

Which tasks are appropriate for large language models?

The trade-off between creativity and trust

Demos of ChatGPT in the classroom

Re-evaluating appropriate uses of AI

23zoom Nmd Webinar Ai Images Twitter XvgaMaking Images with AI

Public webinar

26 April 2023

Watch the interactive video online

Topics discussed

This New Media workshop demos a handful of these tools and entertains a discussion about how they might change art education as well as work prospects for creative professionals.

Presenter Aaron Boothroyd



Stable Diffusion

Moving images

New roles for actors, designers, and filmmakers

Effect on existing jobs

23zoom Nmd Webinar Ai Alumni Twitter XvgaThe Generative Workplace

Public webinar

20 April 2023

Watch the interactive video online

Topics discussed

This New Media workshop offers reports from working professionals on ways that ChatGPT and Midjourney are having an impact today on business, software, and art.

Introduction: how will generative AI change work?

Advantages for business

Problems for business

Learning more

Generative or derivative?

Strengths and limits of large language models

Effect on journalism, healthcare, and trust

Implications for creators

Rights, responsibilities, and future solutions

Advice for current students

23zoom Nmd Webinar Ai In Classroom Twitter XvgaAI in the Classroom

Public webinar

4 April 2023

Watch the interactive video online

Topics discussed

This New Media workshop from 4 April 2023 showed how generative AI like ChatGPT works and why it raises so many pedagogical and ethical questions. The presenters also introduced UMaine's Learning With AI initiative, including resources and a toolkit to help teachers and learners transition to this brave new world.

Banishing the technology

Replacing tasks with AI

Collaborating with AI

Broader implications for education


Nmd Webinar Careers 2022 Twitter XvgaNew Media Careers in 2022

Public webinar

20 January 2022

Watch the interactive video online

Topics discussed

This New Media workshop features alumni working in the tech industry sharing possible career paths for graduates with a new media degree as well as advice for navigating life after graduation.

Building a thriving startup in Maine

Designing user experiences in healthcare

Student questions: preparing for jobs, crafting a portfolio

Building a mobile education app for kids

Starting a company that makes virtual instruments (and getting a Ph.D)

Student questions: depth v. breadth, making connections, and risk

Code a mobile appNFTs: Myth and Reality

Public webinar

25 May 2021

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Topics discussed

This workshop helps make sense of the craze over Non-Fungible Tokens—crypto-tokens that have helped some digital artists sell their work for thousands and even millions of dollars.

NFT myths and realities

How to make an NFT

Likely outcomes for an NFT artist

Nmd Webinar Careers Twitter XvgaDiscover New Media Careers (2021)

Public webinar

28 January 2021

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Topics discussed

This New Media workshop from 28 January 2021 featured alumni working in the tech industry sharing possible career paths for graduates with a new media degree as well as advice for navigating life after graduation.

User Experience (UX) design

Being good at what you do

Getting into specific job interviews

Interviewing well for a specific job

Doing well at a specific job

Questions about applying for jobs

Web development and design

Questions about today's work environment

Code a Responsive WebsiteCode a Responsive Website

Public webinar

17 April 2020

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Topics discussed

This workshop on 6 December 2021 focused on creating a web page that looks good on desktop and mobile devices. Now that 70% of web browsing is mobile, it's critical that websites work on phone-sized screens as well as 4K monitors.

This hands-on webinar walks participants through applying a powerful open standard called CSS grid that makes it easy to build responsive web pages. The beauty of CSS grid is that it allows designers to code visually, arranging descriptive words to build complex layouts that scale gracefully between large and small screens.

Tools for responsive design

A fluid layout with CSS grid

Changing the layout for small screens

Code a mobile appCode a Mobile App

Public webinar

8 December 2020

Watch the interactive video online

Topics discussed

This New Media workshop from 8 December 2020 walks participants through the creation of a cross-platform app in the form of a scavenger hunt. This app could be used to motivate students to find items of interest in a physical location (a nearby park) or online site (a museum website).

The different ways to make a mobile app

Anatomy of a React Native app

Viewing your mobile app in real time

Understanding React Native components

Styling your app

Learning more

How to network for a jobHow to network for a job

Private webinar for New Media Majors

April 2019

Watch the interactive video online

Topics discussed

New Media alumnus and user experience designer Hong Yi Dong offers simple tips you can apply to network for a job after you graduate.

How hiring works in tech companies.

How to advertise yourself if you don't have professional connections.

How to cold-call/email hiring managers.

Using "2nd-degree" connections on LinkedIn.

Success rates for networked v. cold applications.

Specific things you can before you graduate

How to feel better about networking.

When should you use LinkedIn?

Working with close contacts or their connections.

How to get over shyness.

How much time should you devote to each job application?

How to act in an interview.