Code your first HTML page
Version 1.1
🖊 Your first Pen
- Create a CodePen account to save your "Pens"
- Verify your account by clicking on the CodePen email.
- Create your first Pen
- At upper left, change the name to something like Mary's first pen.
- In the HTML box, type something like this (you can use emoji!)
<h4>My name is Jon and my favorite food is waffles.</h4>
<p id="total">Today I have eaten </p>
- In the CSS box, type something like this:
body {
font-family: verdana ;
text-align: center ;
background-color: orange ; /* You can use most color names. */
color: white ;
h1 {
font-size: 5em ;
- In the JS box, type something like this:
document.querySelector( "#total" ).innerHTML += 16 ;
- Visit the CodePen page for your partner
using the formula
- Click on their first Pen.
- Click "fork" at bottom right and tweak their Pen somehow.
- Save your fork.
🎩 To use an emoji in HTML, you can use your operating system defaults (Edit > Emoji
& Symbols on MacOS) or type in the HTML character code (like