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Storyboard an Alternative Universe with AI exercise

Version 1.2

🎟 Activity

This exercise shows how to create an illustrated storyboard by combining AI-assisted fiction writing with AI-generated images.

Activity Part A: Write a story outline

In this exercise you'll create an AI-assisted text with pictures that represents a familiar story transposed to an alternative universe. Your job is to depict a sequence of events that differs from the standard narrative in some fundamental way. (The topic resembles but is not identical to the "break the cliche" Task.) Examples:

Steps for generating a story outline:

  1. To help you brainstorm or flesh out an idea, ask the class AI for help before proceeding to the writing stage. For example, you might suggest some stories that interest you and invite the chatbot to suggest versions from alternative universes or "what if" scenarios. Or you might type in an idea that occurs to you and ask the chatbot to improve or offer variations on it.
  2. Once you have an idea for a story, work with the chatbot to generate a story outline. See the sample prompt in Recommendations below.
  3. Follow up with the chatbot to refine the outline incrementally. You may ask for tweaks to the central conflict, character arcs, climax, or denouement.
  4. Post the complete story outline to #alternative-universe-story.
  5. Looking over everyone's submissions, distribute 1-3 thumbs-up emoji (πŸ‘) to your favorite stories from other teams (you cannot vote for your own).
  6. As a class, discuss what worked and what didn't.

Activity Part B: Illustrate two or more scenes

  1. Ask the chatbot to describe the characters, and follow up to refine them until you're satisfied. Sample prompt:
    πŸ“ Write a vivid and interesting background summary of the two main characters, including visual descriptions of their looks and clothing.
  2. Rewrite the appearance and personality descriptions generated in step 3 as prompts for Leonardo.ai to depict your main characters.

    🎩 Optional: ask the class chatbot to generate text-to-image prompts based on those descriptions for you.

  3. Generate and refine images for two of your main characters using the recommendations listed below to ensure consistent character design. Be sure to give each character a name as suggested in the recommendations.
  4. Rewrite (by hand or with AI) two of the scenes generated in part A to incorporate the character names.
  5. Ask the chatbot to generate images for both scenes, and refine them incrementally until you're satisfied with the results.

    🎩 Optional: Choose a different model (upper left in Leonardo interface) to see a different imagining of your character.

  6. Post both text and images corresponding to the scenes you chose, along with your AI-assisted character descriptions, to #alternative-universe-images.

    ⚠️Start with a post for the first scene, then add each subsequent scene as a reply to your first post so we can see which image goes with which scene. Do not add all the images and text together in a single post.

  7. Looking over everyone's submissions, distribute 1-3 thumbs-up emoji (πŸ‘) to your favorite scene-and-image combinations from other teams (you cannot vote for your own).
  8. As a class, discuss what worked and what didn't.

⛑️ Recommendations for generating stories

Storytelling parameters you can add to your prompts

Character arc
Point of view

Sample prompt for a story outline

πŸ“ Acting as a best-selling author of fantasy adventure novels, you will help me write a vivid, fast-paced short story. The story should break standard tropes and cliches, with surprising twists in plot, character development, or point of view. Your story should be based on the following parameters:

Main character 1: ________________

Main character 2: ________________

Genre: ________________

Plot summary: ________________

Setting: ________________

Point of view: ________________

Mood: ________________

Write a short story divided into 6-12 paragraphs corresponding to different scenes. Clearly label each paragraph with a scene number and location; an example might be "Scene 1: The Amazon Jungle," "Scene 2: The University Laboratory," and so on.

⛑️ Recommendations for generating images

Tune the image style

Choose an image model and style that makes sense for your genre, eg 3d Animation Style for a children's story or Isometric Fantasy for a game narrative.

Generate consistent character designs

Choose the same model for every image. (Don't pick the same seed.)

Pick a unique name for each character (eg, using BehindTheName.com and refer to that name in every prompt for that character.

Photography parameters you can add to your prompts

Aspect ratio
Depth of field
Eye-level shot
f-stop (eg, f/1.8 or f/22)
Film grain
Focal length
Full-body shot
Golden hour
Landscape orientation
Low-angle shot
Portrait orientation
Rule of thirds
Shutter speed

Sample prompt for story illustrations

πŸ“ A [medium] of a [subject/character name] with [details] in the style of [style] with [composition].

Sample negative prompt for character portraits

πŸ“ Negative prompt: two heads, two face, out of frame, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, ugly, blurry, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, cloned face, disfigured, out of frame, ugly, extra limbs, bad anatomy, gross proportions, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, mutated hands, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, poorly drawn eyes, double heads, double faces, two heads, two faces