Nm Logo SquareSample New Media student projects

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Artizen AI Icon Artizen AI
capstone, 2023, news, AI, photography, politics, story, network
Payson Welch
A custom deep learning model that condenses the daily news into a handful of AI-generated images.
Capstone 2023
Artizen AI Still
Video demo mp4
Purely Human Icon Purely Human
capstone, 2022, Instagram, TikTok, social media, video, community, relationships, performance
Jake Hotaling
Short films for Instagram and TikTok in which performers enact messages to loved ones requested by people on the Internet.
Capstone 2022
Purely Human Still
Video demo mp4
Purely Human Icon 3d-printed Cosplay
capstone, 2022, 3d printing, fabrication, design, performance
Carly Cornish
Tutorials on custom-modeling and 3d-printing costume armor.
Capstone 2022
Purely Human Still
Video demo mp4
AR Gardens icon AR Gardens
capstone, 2021, Augmented Reality, sustainability, permaculture, mobile app
Claudio Van Duijn
An augmented reality app that helps users plan gardens by superimposing beds on their own backyards.
Capstone 2021
Purely Human Still
Video demo mp4
Ackerman Daniel Arch Project Icon The Arch Project
capstone, 2019, After Effects, audio, Web, community, education, network
Daniel Ackerman
A podcast and a website for undergrads and potential students featuring nine interviews with New Media alumni. Students hear the reality of life for New Media graduates with a variety of work and experiences.
Capstone 2019
Ackerman Daniel Arch Project Still
Video demo webm mp4
leopold_ruth_coders_collaborative Coders Collaborative
capstone, 2017, JavaScript, Web, gender, politics, code, software, community, education, Processing, Blockly, movie
Ruth Leopold
A peer-to-peer mentoring network for women college students who are learning computer programming.
Capstone 2017
Video demo webm mp4
It Brings Me Back Icon It Brings Me Back
capstone, 2017, projection, video, typography, animation, music, immersion, memory, installation, story
Katie Galley
Kinetic typography in a 360-degree projection recounts stories of what music means to people interviewed for the work.
Capstone 2017
It Brings Me Back Still
Video demo mp4
Defrancesco Visualize Maine Icon Visualize Maine
capstone, 2016, code, HTML, CSS, documentary, Web, visual, community, education, travel, adventure, outdoors, network, nature
Kayleigh DeFrancesco
A scrolling website that visualizes the top work industries, populations, demographics and destination spots in Maine. View general statistics or a community-curated page of locations for explorers to browse.
Capstone 2016
Defrancesco Kayleigh Visualize Maine Still
Video demo webm mp4
mcenery_will_ghostride GhostRide
capstone, 2016, mobile, phone, iOS, Swift, sports, outdoors, recreation, app, augmented reality
Will McEnery
A fitness app for the iPhone that creates virtual bike riders from past recordings so you can race them asynchronously.
Capstone 2016
Video demo webm mp4
Dapice Guy Mcguire Bloodhound IconBloodhound
capstone, 2014, installation, game, interaction, software, server, video, story, iPad, mobile app, immersion, movie, outdoors
Coralie Dapice, Jordan Guy, and Rory McGuire
A murder mystery projected in 360-degree video, in which the visitor uses an iPad to interrogate virtual witnesses and predict the next victim
Capstone 2014
Dapice Guy Mcguire Bloodhound Still
Video demo mp4 webm
Dolloff Chase Talbot Steve Minecave IconThe Minecave
capstone, 2013, installation, game, virtual reality, interaction, body, hardware, software, Kinect, Wii, Max/MSP, immersion
Chase Dolloff and Steve Talbot
An immersive environment where players of the popular game Minecraft can manipulate their environment with bodily gestures rather than a mouse and keyboard
Capstone 2013
Dolloff Chase Talbot Steve Minecave Screenshot
Video demo mp4 webm
Blanchette Politrend IconPolitrend
capstone, 2012, news, politics, Twitter, XML, network, Web, governance, software
Nathan Blanchette
A data-mining project that aggregates updates from news channels, government records, and Twitter to visualize trends in the 2012 US presidential election
Capstone 2012
Blanchette Nathan Politrend Screenshot
Video demo mp4 webm
11orono Gagne Dani Capstone 3 SmaFree Student Garden
capstone, 2011, sustainability, installation, interaction, permaculture, architecture, community, Maine, nature
Danielle Gagner
A collaborative project to rebuild a broken waterfall fountain in the Memorial Union into a community garden to encourage healthy eating and connection to nature
Capstone 2011
Gagner Dani Garden Screenshot
Video demo mp4 webm
Habeeb Evan Rotting History SmaRotting History
capstone, 2010, photography, outdoors, network, Web, Drupal, community, Maine, adventure, outdoors, city, software, ubiquitous computing, Internet of things, map, place
Evan Habeeb
A community dedicated to exploring abandoned buildings, including an interactive map with descriptions and photos, and place-based tags to identify visitors
Capstone 2010
Habeeb Evan Rotting History Screenshot
Video demo mp4 webm
Larson Ian Passamaquoddy Ibook B SmaPassamaquoddy Living Language System
capstone, 2009, indigenous, video, language, network, Web, Drupal, community, Maine, software, story
Ian Larson
A community project to preserve the Passamaquoddy language by encouraging Native children to video interview their elders. Created with Sam Hunting, Glenn Attalla, and the Indian Township School
Capstone 2009
Larson Ian Passamaquoddy Screenshot
Video demo mp4 webm
08orono Capst Night 138 Dig SmaThe Dig
capstone, 2008, interface, video, animation, installation, Max/MSP, multitouch, archeology, interaction, hardware, story, body
Ryan Schaller and Jason Walker
A custom-made video interface that allows viewers of a narrative to reveal underlying layers of animation by touching the screen
Capstone 2008
Schaller Ryan Walker Jason Dig Screenshot
Video demo mp4 webm